Monday, September 30, 2019

Bell v. Florida

The defendant, Mr. Gary Paul Bell, was charged and convicted with the crime of attempted kidnapping. At the trial, his victim, through her testimonies, claimed that the defendant exhibited attempted kidnapping in two counts to wit: (1) When the victim was walking along the street during daytime, the defendant drove up to her and offered to give her a ride to her destination, twice; (2) When the defendant forced the victim to get into the van by grabbing her around the neck and holding a gun to her head[1].The victim, who was able to break free from Mr. Bell, ran into traffic and tried to get the help of others in escaping the defendant. The defendant, on the other hand, remained standing nearby with his gun pointing towards his victim, threatening to shoot her. When the victim reached her house she called the police.The officer attending the case noted that the victim was in state of hysteria. The victim was found very upset and could not speak. Likewise, it was also noted that the v ictim was only made to give a statement after a series of attempts of making her relay the incident, which lasted for fifteen to twenty minutes[2].The testimonies given by the victim and the attending officer were admitted in the court as evidence on the basis of hearsay rules and exceptions. The defendant, appeals on the court’s decision on his conviction on the basis of contrive or misrepresentation and that the testimony of the attending officer on the accounts of the crime of the victim should be excluded as hearsay.Issue:Â  The issue is whether the testimony given by the attending officer regarding the accounts of the victim on the crime of attempted kidnapping should be excluded as hearsay.[1]Cases Relating to Chapter 12, 747.

Breast Cancer Information Essay Essay

Breast cancer is the malignant form of tumor that develops from the breast cells and is the most common form of cancer invasive in women worldwide. This is considered second in malignancy after skin cancer in women. It starts from the inner lining of the milk ducts and spreads to the surrounding tissue. Breast is composed of microscopic cells, which multiply in an orderly manner with older cells being replaced by new cells. Uncontrolled multiplication of cells in a progressive manner is the phenomenon in cancer. Milk duct is the most common spot for the cancer to begin and this form is also known as â€Å"ductal carcinoma. While most breast cancer cases occur in women, male breast cancer is also rarely present. Breast cancer has two forms: invasive and non-invasive. Invasive form of breast cancer is where the cancer cells reach the nearby tissue from inside the lobules. In such cases, cancer cells reach the lymph nodes and reach other organs through metastasis. Liver, lungs and bones may get affected. The cancer cells may even reach other body parts by traveling through bloodstream or lymphatic system. Non-invasive form of breast cancer is where the cancer cells are limited to the origin i.e. inside the lobules. It is usually the pre-cancerous stage where cancer cells haven’t actually spread outside the place of origin and are â€Å"in situ†. This over a period of time develops into invasive breast cancer. The type of breast cancer determines the treatment to be carried out in each case. For breast cancer to be diagnosed it is important that its symptoms be known. The signs of breast cancer that are evident to the patient include headache or pain. Sometimes a rash or swelling may develop. Symptoms are what the doctor can detect like thickening of the tissue in the woman’s breast. Presence of lumps is not a sure sign of cancer as lumps need not be cancerous every time. It is important to get a health check up done by professional in case of lumps. Here are some known signs and symptoms which women report before the detection of breast cancer and need be diagnosed for analysis: 1. Redness of skin 2. Lump formation in the breast 3. Pain in armpits or breast not during menstrual cycle but otherwise 4. Swelling in the armpits(lumps) 5. Nipples of breast turning sunken or inverted 6. Change in size and shape of breast 7. Rash present around the nipples 8. Thickened tissue of breast 9. Discharge which may be that of blood from the nipples 10. Peeling, scaling or flaking of skin of nipples or breast It must be noted that these symptoms are not confirmatory indicators of breast cancer but are only a possible sign of malignancy. It may rather be a cyst or infection that causes such symptoms. In cases where diagnosis gives positive results, further treatment and course of action needs to be started by the medical professional. Determination of cancer type and its grade and also if genetic mutation is responsible for it or if it is hormone receptive is to be done. Positive breast cancer determination gives rise to the need for determining whether the cancerous cells have spread to other organs, tissues or bones. Effective treatments can cure the cancer or prevent it from spreading further. Local or systematic treatment based on the size, nature and extent of tumor is carried out post diagnosis. Surgery and radiation are means of local treatment where cancer cells are tried to be destroyed without affecting the other body parts or remaining body. Breast-sparing lumpectomy or mastectomy in aggressive form where the entire breast may have to be removed can be done as a part of the surgery. Systematic treatments involve targeting of bloodstream in the entire body and are given through mouth to reach target cancer cells. Toxic drugs such as cyclophoshamide or methotrexate may be used in such treatments. Biological treatment is the most recent form where therapy is used to strengthen the immune system to fight the cancer cells and curb the growth of cancer cells which have protein in higher levels. Which treatment regimen is adopted for a patient depends upon the age, type and stage of cancer. Since women over 50 years of age are most likely to develop cancer, early diagnosis can prevent cancer from happening altogether in many cases. Breast cancer screening tests are recommended in women over 40 years of age which are tests done without the  presence of any symptom. Detection is done by self exams, check up by medical experts or clinical mammography. Women who have family history of cancer must undergo the early screening tests as they are at higher risk of developing the malignancy through genes. Although causes of breast cancer are not ascertained, there are many factors that can be considered for its likelihood in females. As age progresses, the risk of developing breast cancer grows. Genetics also play a major role. Breast cancer is more common in such women whose close relative had ovarian cancer. If a woman had developed the non-invasive problem ever in her life, she is quite likely to develop breast cancer again in lifetime. Breast lumps at some stage can turn into cancer later on. For women with dense breast tissues, the chance of developing breast cancer is always higher. It is very crucial that a breast cancer gets diagnosed for the treatment to begin. The doctors have wider range of options to begin and judge the patient’s progress and prevent metastasis from occurring. Staging of cancer, i.e. the extent to which cancer has evolved in patient’s body can be determined only after its diagnosis. Further survival rates are highly dependent upon the type, stage and location of cancer. Women can keep away breast cancer by eating healthy diet, drinking less alcohol and breastfeeding their children besides being physically active in their routines. Breast cancer can be managed through surgery or chemotherapy or both in case needed. Risk of reoccurrence is a prominent factor during treatment and thus prevention is always better than cure.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluation of personl learning Essay

An evaluation of my personal learning plan along with comments on how I plan to update my subject specialist knowledge, generic knowledge of teaching and learning, using examples from my practice and discussing the part my mentor played in my development. Introduction The aim of this assignment is to show how my key learning points from my personal learning plan have been put into practice and to evaluate these, examples from my practice will also be used. I will explain how I plan to update not only my subject specialist knowledge but also my generic knowledge of teaching and learning. I plan to also explain and discuss the part my mentor has played in my development over the two years of cert Ed qualification. Having a personal learning plan is a great way of setting out your future objective, aims and goals. Having goals to head for gives you motivation and direction and also builds on confidence and self esteem. However it is a good idea to plan your own personal learning plan, when you plan your own programme, it is more likely to be relevant to your needs and be able to be applied, and be related to, your teaching. This, then, is more likely to give you motivation for your learning (Reece & Walker 2003 pg 400). I plan to review and update my own personal learning plan every six months. However my personal learning is also discussed in my supervisions at work which I have every three months, this enables me to discuss any knowledge I myself wish to update and also any training my manager feels I would benefit from. I feel this is good support to involve my personal learning plan within my supervision, it also shows management that I am committed and taking control of my own learning. My personal learning plan consists of three main areas these are. Subject specialist development This is the subject that I teach this includes my practical and theory work. Generic teaching development This is schemes of work and lesson plans how I use differentiation and assessment, along with assignments and research etc. Skills development This is my literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. My subject specialist area has a variety of subject sessions these are induction, food hygiene awareness, health and safety, individual service planning (ISP), swallowing disorders, manual handling, infection control and first aid I do continuous refreshers on all sessions within the organisation how ever I do also carry out independent reading and research of individual subjects to keep my self updated. Especially on change that relate to any regulations that have an impact on my training sessions. There have been two key personal learning development areas in my subject specialist area the first being ISP training. This training session has had a complete overhaul to how it is to be delivered which has involved a lot of changes to the ISP itself, example how these are set up and completed. For me to deliver this training to my learners I needed to attend a two day training session myself. The sessions involved theory and practical learning giving me the knowledge and the skills to enable me to deliver a practical session to my learners. Example when doing this session my learners will not be just listening and getting involved in group discussions they will be involved in an ongoing practical, At their best, practical’s are an enjoyable and active hands on experience. At their worst they are frustrating episodes where not even the teacher knows what is supposed to be happening (Petty 2004 pg 204). So any practical should be well planned. My learners will be put into pairs one will be the service user and the other the key worker. They will then be given a number of activities to follow. Using this method they will build and complete an ISP, learners are able to swap roles through out so each learner gets to play each role. I have delivered this training session this way on many occasions now and it is working well, learners are enjoying and putting into practice what they have learnt well, this is evident when looking at ISP, s that they have completed. My second key learning point in my subject specialist area is first aid training. I was unable to deliver this session as I did not have the knowledge and qualification to do this. I  attended a two day emergency first aid course down Lincoln through NUCO training, having attended this training I now have the confidence and subject knowledge to be able to deliver this to my learners. The training consisted of two presentations showing the teacher my understanding of the subject and showing I was able to present, I was also assessed on practical exercises through out the two days, example resuscitation procedure, choking procedure, and the procedure in the event of an emergency situation example car accident. This training was very challenging and intense however it has given me the skills to develop an effective training session for my learners. I have two sessions planned to deliver in July. Having being successful in this training I am also able to go and assess other first aid trainers. I plan to update my subject specialist knowledge continuously I will do this by attending refresher training sessions. I am also a member of the Institute for learning where you have to prove you have so many hours of continuous professional development. I also plan to use E-learning within the organisation for any relevant training sessions, along with my independent learning through reading and research on the internet. My generic knowledge of teaching and learning has developed well through out my two years on cert Ed, my skills in lesson planning have developed immensely and I put these into practice on a regular basis. My delivery methods have progressed and become a lot more interactive for my learners, by bringing in differentiation and inclusive learning example hand washing exercise I use a power point slide to show a picture of hands with bacteria on, we have a discussion on hands, show learners how to wash hands correctly, we then do a hands washing exercise covering visual, audio and kinaesthetic learning styles. My assignments now have structure and flow throughout, my spelling and punctuation has also improved, this has been managed through hard work and practice of proof reading which is a skill in its self, a skill that can always be developed further through practice and gathering information from books and the internet. I plan to update my generic knowledge of teaching and learning through independent learning by using the internet and reading books, also the E-learning that the organisation encourage us to use have some useful courses on punctuation, organisation skills, planning skills, assessing and evaluation etc which I  plan to look at using in the future. I am also attending mentoring training at the end of May which I feel will be beneficial to myself and my learners. My skills development have improved over my two years in cert end, in the first year of cert ed my personal learning plan identified my need to achieve level two in both English and maths. I have now achieved both qualifications and in particular benefited greatly from the English this has helped me with my assignments, writing letters, creating handouts for my training sessions and knowing and understanding where a sentence begins and ends along with why we have and need to use punctuation. I did have the basic knowledge of English language but did require further development and knowledge. By attending key skills level two has developed this knowledge which has enabled me to progress in this area of my personal learning. However I do believe I will benefit from further development in this area and plan to progress onto key skills level three English once I have completed my cert ed year two. My ict skills have improved this is through daily use of a laptop and also attending a two day training course through the organisation. The course consisted of two modules first module was an introduction to IT & file management, this module developed my personal learning in areas such as using windows XP, explain the use of options within my computer, being aware of the principals of using my documents, be able to create, change, delete and move files and folders and identify how and when to back data up. Module two outlook & internet/intranet this module has developed my personal learning in areas such as accessing E-learning and being aware of its potential, organising and accessing personal files and to become more familiar with the intranet within the organisation and how to use it effectively. I have also had a small session on the use of power point which has been beneficial to me as within my job role, as at times I am required to put a power point presentation together. I plan to update my ict skills by attending a further two modules which will be organised through the organisation hopefully in the coming year. I also believe everyday use will enhance my skills. I also plan to do a more intense session on power point in the near future. Through my two years of cert Ed I have had a mentor. Mentoring is a  relationship between mentor and mentee that encourages growth and development in a respectful and collegial environment (Morton-Cooper & Palmer, 2000). The mentoring relationship may be an informal arrangement that happens naturally, or a formal relationship that is organised within the work organisation (Rose, 2005). My job role as training and development officer was a new post for me in 2007 and it was my manager who suggested that I enrol onto the cert Ed course rather than training and development NVQ4. She felt that I would gain more from this course and it would equip me with the knowledge and confidence to carry my duties out competently. As my manager is an experienced trainer herself it made sense for her to also be my mentor as she had faith in me from the very beginning of my training. A mentoring relationship tends to be long term that can be entered into at any stage of one’s career (Northcott , 2000). This statement has been true in my case. The relationship I have with my mentor is a good one she has been supportive through out especially when it has come to bringing in new ideas for training sessions in fact she has used some of the ideas herself. The process has always been a two way process. My mentor has not been their to tell me what to do, she has guided, encouraged, supported, provided information and most of all always listened, especially in moments when I have thought this whole thing is too much for me. Through out my observations my mentor has been encouraging and made feel at ease as she knew how nervous I was on these occasions, feed back from observations were always positive and any development points were always taken on board. My mentor has recognised some skills in me that I never realised I had along with helping me developing these skills. Example a year ago my mentor asked me if I would like to do a course that would enable me to deliver first aid training to my learners, so I would not need to sen d them out externally for this training. I explained to my mentor that I was not keen on doing this and felt that this was a course that qualified nurses should do. My mentor did not try to push or persuade me into doing this even though it would save the organisation money. I have just done this course last month and it was me who approached my manager/mentor, I really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to delivering it to my learners. It is amazing what a year can do to some ones confidence and self esteem. If my manager/mentor had made me do this when she wanted me to do it I would not have developed in that area or  enjoyed it. My mentor has always allowed me to do things at my own pace and has a great understanding of how we as individuals learn at different levels and pace. I feel this is a good quality to have when being a mentor. Looking back it was a excellent suggestion from my manager/mentor for me to enrol onto the cert ed, over the two years I feel I have grown not only in confidence but in both the theory and the practical side of my teaching and learning. It has been a privilege to have had a mentor who has guided, supported, encouraged and listened through out the two year process. How ever it does not end there as she is also my manager she will be there for the future too. Conclusion For us to further ourselves I feel it is essential to have objectives, aims and goals. I feel if we do not things do not get done so our goals do not get met. We may have goals in our heads but if they are not planned they tend not to be achieved. For me a personal learning plan is the way forward we can then tick of the goals we have achieved and plan for new goals in the future. Looking back two years ago I would never have dreamt that I would have achieved what I have achieved today, I believe this has been achieved through good planning, good support and hard work by myself. Learning is an ongoing process and I look forward to many more years of teaching and learning. retrieved 09/05/2009 Petty,G 2004, A practical guide teaching today, 3rd edn, Nelson Thornes, United Kingdom. Reece, I & Walker, S 2003, Teaching, Training and learning a practical guide, 5th edn, Business Education Publishers Limited, Great Briton. retrieved 09/05/2009 Petty,G 2004, A practical guide teaching today, 3rd edn, Nelson Thornes, United Kingdom. Reece, I & Walker, S 2003, Teaching, Training and learning a practical guide, 5th edn, Business Education Publishers Limited, Great Briton.

12 Angry Men The Film Essay

In reviewing the film 12 Angry Men, I have identified many types of influence tactics being utilized by the jurors. The five tactics that I believe were most used in this film were; reason or rational persuasion, coalition building, ingratiation, inspiration and pressure. Although there were several jurors throughout the film who may have demonstrated similar tactics at various times, it is my opinion that the majority of the influencing throughout the deliberation came from juror #8. I do believe there were other jurors that attempted to influence with the same amount of tenacity, however, their tactics were less affective as proven by the outcome of the deliberation and verdict decided by the jury. As the jury begins their deliberation very early on in the film, a discussion takes place where it becomes apparent some of the jurors are speaking as though it will be a quick one which will result in a guilty verdict. When the first vote takes place and juror #8 is the only one to vote â€Å"not guilty†, he begins to demonstrate some of the influence tactics discussed above. I believe that juror #8 himself demonstrated reasoning, coalition building, ingratiation and inspiration tactics. He reminded the other jurors that he was not necessarily saying that the boy was not guilty, however, he did not believe the evidence was strong enough to take away reasonable doubt that possibly the boy didn’t commit the crime. He insisted that they all review the evidence and discuss it in more detail. He was reasoning with the other jurors and stating a fact about what they should be basing their vote on. It is clear that juror #8 was exhibiting effective rational persuasion by pres enting factual information, making very clear, specific, and relevant points. Reasoning is the most commonly used influence tactic in general as well as the most commonly used tactic in this film. Once juror #8 was able to convince a few of the other jurors to also question the evidence, they started to build a coalition where multiple individuals were now also challenging the guilty verdict and some of the evidence. This may not have necessarily been a conscience decision to form a coalition, as one may see with a typical example such as a union, however, the simple fact that there were now several individuals all aligned on a decision seemed to be enough to allow others to explore additional scenarios and feel  comfortable questioning the evidence. There were also times in the film where juror #8 gave credit to another juror and made him feel like their opinion really mattered. When juror #8 told juror #9 that he had a right to be heard and asked that he explain why he thought the old man would be lying is an example of the ingratiation influence tactic. Although this wasn’t outright flattery as a more pointed example of ingratiation might be, telling someone their voice counts is enough to boost their self-esteem and could result in influencing their decision to side with the person using the ingratiation tactic. Lastly, it seemed apparent that most of the jurors in that room whether they were at a point where they agreed with the not guilty verdict or not, seemed somewhat inspired by juror #8’s willingness to stand alone for what he believed was the right thing to do. Taking a lone stance in the beginning of this deliberation and continuing to question the evidence to induce discussion is something that I believe the other jurors admired. Throughout the film, juror #8 continues to demonstrate leadership characteristics by challenging the status quo and never losing control of his emotions. He never seemed to be taking a stance for any personal reasons, he never demonstrated any prejudice and he came across very authentic. This influence tactic, although not intentional, can be described as inspiration. Juror #3 is the loudest and most adamant juror in favor of a guilty verdict along with juror #10. Juror #3 grows increasingly angry throughout the film as other jurors begin to change their vote from guilty to not guilty. Throughout the film he can be seen using the pressure influence tactic, attempting to strong-arm, threaten and intimidate the others into agreeing with him. He used an aggressive tone and an unnecessary high volume when speaking to the group. This type of tactic may work well in environments such as military basic training, along with a legitimacy tactic, but not amongst peers or in situations where the person doing the pressuring does not possess any real authority or pose any real threat to the group. There were no real consequences for the other jurors to be forced to succumb to juror #3’s pressure tactics. At one point in the discussion, the foreman states, ‘All of this fighting is getting us nowhere’. It is my opinion that this statement couldn’t be further from the truth. For juror #8 to take a jury of 11 men believing the boy is guilty to having every one of those 11 men eventually change their decision based on the discussion he ignited shows that all of the ‘fighting’ or discussion was very necessary and actually did result in a different outcome because of the issues that were brought out during the conflict. In most cases where the stakes are high, discussions are necessary to ensuring that all of the facts are laid out. To demonstrate specific examples of where discussion was impactful to the deliberation, a few key scenes can be sited. One of the first scenes where the audience can see this shown is when juror #8 asks to see the knife that killed the man. During the trial it was stated that this was a rare switchblade and when juror #8 produces a very similar knife that he picked up from a store in the same neighborhood as the father and son, doubt is now starting to settle in with some of the other jurors which then causes them to reconsider their position. Other key scenes where their disagreements resulted in a robust discussion that ultimately swayed juror’s decisions include a re-enactment of the old man getting out of bed to witness the boy running out of the apartment. Without a full on debate, they would have never figured out that this was actually impossible to do in the 15 seconds that the old man said it took. In another scene the jury also discussed the old woman’s testimony that she saw the murder take place through the el train. If they had not gone through this in detail and figured out that she actually wore glasses and couldn’t have seen the assailant very clearly, some jurors would have still been convinced that the only eye witness did in fact see the boy murder his father. These extremely important details were discovered through a robust discussion or conflict and were absolutely pertinent in the ultimate decision to acquit the boy in the murder. Works Cited Edrogen, T. B. (2013). Organizational Behvavior v1.1. Flatworld. Rose, R. (Director). (1957). 12 Angry Men [Motion Picture].

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The most notable discoveries in biology, medicine and pharmacy during Essay

The most notable discoveries in biology, medicine and pharmacy during the Golden Age - Essay Example Some of the well-known physicians and thinkers are Al-Razi and Ibn Sina and they developed a healthcare system with hospitals running for 24 hours and treatment based in Ayurveda and Unani (Allsen, 1984, p, 67-69). Another renowned Islamic scholar Ibn Sina authored Canon of Medicine a seminal work that was printed many times and read in Europe. The scholar Ibn Al-Haitham wrote extensively on the subject of ophthalmology while Ishaq Ibn, another scholar wrote a treatise Practical Medical Deontology. Al-Tabari wrote, another scholar wrote the Paradise of Wisdom that linked diverse subjects namely, psychotherapy, counselling, psychology and medicine (Atiyeh & Hayes, 1992, p. 45-61). The scholar Zakariya Raziwas who served as the chief surgeon in the hospitals of Baghdad and Cairo, wrote the well-received Ahlaq al-Tabeeb. This was a book on medical ethics in which he discussed the model role of the physician and specified the methods to distinguish between measles and small pox and the method of treating these diseases (Lombard, 1975, p. 123-128). Raziwas also wrote the kitab-al Hawi fi al-tibb also called as the Comprehensive book of medicine with 23 volumes where each volume discussed specific parts of the body and their related diseases (Sonn, 2011, p. 81-89). This book was used as a textbook in several European universities until the seventeenth century. Another book he wrote was the Kitab Tibb al-Muluki where he discussed dieting and moderation and the manner in which diseases can be controlled through dieting (Meri, 2005, p. 63). Pharmacy: Medieval Islam produced many scholars who wrote about medicines obtained from plants and body parts of various animals. The Islamic scholar Yuhanna b. Masawayh wrote a treatise on the medicinal effects of Cannabis sativa Linnaeus or hemp and Papaver somniferum Linnaeus, poppy. He suggested using the drug to relieve pain from fevers, eye and toothaches

Special Individuals Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Special Individuals - Research Paper Example Discuss thoroughly. Manifestation determination is the act of â€Å"determining whether the behavior that results in a suspension or change of placement is a manifestation of a child’s disability† (Giordano, 2008). It often takes place when a school is implementing a change of placement or suspension due to violations of school rules; when a student has been removed from the school system for more than 10 days within a school term; or when a student is being punished for activities or behavior which indicates a pattern (Giordano, 2008). In instances when the behavior is indicates a student’s disability, a Functional behavior assessment must be carried out and a plan of behavior conceptualized. Students with exceptional needs – those with disabilities (with Individualized Education Programs or IEPs) – can be suspended up to ten days during a school year or even expelled for their behavior which is not caused by their disability. There is a need to ca rry out additional procedural safeguards in instances when suspension exceeds ten days (FSUSD, n.d). 3. List and describe three strategies or interventions to use when teaching and working with students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Why do these particular strategies work well with these students? a. Use taped word read-alongs (Trim, 2009). Studies have provided strong support for this strategy with students under this intervention improving their reading rate at a faster pace. b. Test retakes (Trim, 2009). Studies also point out that students who could do retakes of tests, scored higher than those who could not (Trim, 2009). c. Responses, praise, and academic talk (Trim, 2009). Students given more praise performed better than those who were not praised as much. d. Cover, copy, and compare (Trim, 2009). This is a process of considering instructions, extracting it, and interacting with a greater amount of accuracy (Trim, 2009). If the student is wrong, then he keeps trying until he would get it right. Part 2 Introduction The history of violence in schools has been a subject of discussion in government agencies and interest groups. These incidents have graduated from minor skirmishes to major gun shooting incidents. Some of these incidents have proved fatal to students and to teachers alike and they seem to find its roots in behavior disorders from troubled teens and youths. This discussion shall consider the Worthing High School shooting incident. Discussion This shooting incident involved atleast two gunmen which killed one man and hurt five other people. About sixty individuals from Worthing, Madison, Yates, and Jones high schools were attending an all-girl football game when a Ford Taurus drove into the field. The game was apparently not a sanctioned event. Attendees were residents of surrounding neighborhoods and were not HISD students (Glenn and O’Hare, 2011). A fist fight first broke out between two individuals and this escalated to a fig ht between two groups of men. A gun was soon drawn and was fired by some of the men. The incident was considered to be gang-related. The life of a former Worthing High School student was claimed in the shooting. Participants in the fight, including those who were injured were interviewed after the shooting (Glenn and O’Hare, 2011). Officials with the Houston Independent School District were prompted to reinforce their security as a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Louis XIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Louis XIV - Essay Example Also important was his concept of himself which enabled him to rule by Divine right, and the philosophies of the time that supported his notions. Louis was five years old when he sat on the throne with the regency of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, against whom the nobles and the Paris Parlement (a powerful law court), rose in 1648 at the beginning of the long civil war known as the Fronde.In the course of this war, Louis suffered humiliation,poverty, misfortune, fear, cold, and hunger, because he had to often leave his place in Paris and go into hiding for his own safety.These early experiences led him to have a lifelong mistrust in the nobility, they taught him that the nobility was one of the greatest threats to a French king and inspired him to set about implementing his absolutist concepts. Being a devout Catholic, he had no trouble in imagining that he was an agent ordained by God himself to rule the kingdom and made great efforts to cultivate an image for himself that was based on myth and legend, as well as on reason and political legitimacy. Louis chose the sun as his personal emblem, signifying that he was the source of all benevolence in the kingdom and that the entire world, including the nobles, revolved around him, and he soon came to be known across all Europe as the "Sun King". "On June 5th, 1662, a procession of monkeys, bears, nobles, and slaves, spiralled through the streets of Paris in celebration of the glory of Louis XIV. ......the king was represented as the serene and uncontested master of the world; each noble carried a shield bearing a device which affirmed his absolute subjugation to Louis Dieu-donne figured as the sun." (Lynn, 1998) Louis' concept received further legitimacy in his status as agent of God in the work of those like Thomas Hobbes and Jacques-Bnigne Bossuet, who argued that monarchy was the most natural and ancient form of government , and since kings receive their power and sanction from God, their authority was absolute and unchallenged. "The power of God makes itself felt in a moment from one extremity of the earth to another. Royal power works at the same time throughout all the realm. It holds all the realm in position, as God holds the earth. Should God withdraw his hand, the earth would fall to pieces; should the king's authority cease in the realm, all would be in confusion." (Bossuet, 1679) This belief in absolute authority, a megalomania of sorts, reinforced the monarch's stance on the nobility, as they represented a threat to his power and security on the throne.Nobles before Louis' reign were feudal lords, and had the means to raise private armies. This was because the lesser nobles acted as the king's agents and in his name collected taxes, posted edicts and dispensed justice. They and their overlords, the higher nobility, provided armies to the king in times of war as the kings before Louis did not possess a standing army of their own. The higher nobles could also build their own fortifications, which gave them the power to hold their ground if they rose against the king.Louis realized that if the nobility continued to hold so much influence, not only will they tend to rebel and create disorder, he himself would be accorded the status of first among equals, and this he found totally

Cholecalciferol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cholecalciferol - Essay Example The compound if acquired through sand bathing there is no presence of any toxicity and stops producing when it sufficient in the body. It helps the skin to be in good condition. The compound is also given to lactating mother to boost the levels of vitamin D as breast milk is always insufficient in Vitamin D. the compound is also applied in blood and heart vessels conditions, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is also used in cases of obesity, diabetes, arthritis, muscle weakness and tooth disease. Some individuals use the component in treating skin diseases. In addition, it boosts a human immune system and prevents cancer (McDowell, pg.94) As a vitamin it is always synthesized by the body. This compound is always inactive. It only switches to its active form through two hydroxylations which is in the kidney and the liver that forms calcitriol and nuclear receptor. The receptor is responsible for synthesizing many enzymes and it exists in all cells. It has melting point that ranges from 83-86 degrees Celsius. Its molar mass is 384.64g/mol. In addition, its boiling point is 496.4 degrees Celsius. A medic by the name Hippocrates treated phthisis by the use of sunlight exposure or heliotherapy. An historian observed the difference the skull of Egyptians and Persian warriors as Persians worn turbans making their skull weaker. The medic compared the disease to rickets. The first description of lack of vitamin c was given in the 17th C by a doctor and a professor. Rickets astonished many chronicles in the 18th and 19th C. what caused this was insufficient vitamin that was not vitamin. As at the beginning of 1800s research showed that cod liver oil was a possible cure of rickets. The main breakthrough in the understanding of what causes rickets was during the development experimental science and when individuals appreciated vitamins’ existence. Sir

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Recruitment and Staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recruitment and Staffing - Essay Example , when demand and supply have been appropriately determined for each position in each of the owner’s small convenience stores, he could anticipate future demand and design acquisition strategies which integrate time frame elements to ensure that future requirements are placed at an appropriate time. As emphasized in Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller (2012), for small establishments like what the owner has, the method of job analysis that is most appropriate is the job group analysis. As disclosed, â€Å"jobs with similar content, wage rates, and opportunities (e.g., promotion, training) must be combined into job groups, and each group must include a list of job titles†¦ use as job groups the nine categories on the EEO-1 form: officials and managers, professionals, technicians, sales, office and clerical, craft workers (skilled), operatives (semiskilled), laborers (unskilled), and service workers† (Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012, p. 129). It was also stated that the percentage of women and minorities in each group should be appropriated, as required by labor

Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negotiation - Essay Example The negotiating team from the side of the management took a tough stance that the management cannot afford to extend this facility anymore. The union leaders were also not willing to forfeit this facility. If mutually acceptable solution was not found, the union leaders warned about the possibility of direct action, non-co-operation, work-to-rule, sit-in strikes, going on mass causal leave, and finally an indefinite strike. This situation was comparable to the one envisaged by William L. Ury in his book â€Å"Getting Past No† and he writes, â€Å"Your goal may be to reach mutually satisfactory agreement, but you may find the other side not at all interested.† (9) All reasoning failed, all efforts for dispute resolutions came to a naught, and the management team used all the techniques related to fundamentals of negotiations. Even after three hours of marathon discussions, nothing tangible was achieved by both the sides. The management team appealed for the reasoned co-operation by the employees, as no institution can run with losses on an ongoing basis. Who will suffer if the organization declares lockout? The chances of getting alternative employment are dim in the foreseeable future. At this juncture the meeting was adjourned for the day as both sides wished to consult their respective teams. The union leaders made one point clear. Under no circumstances they will agree for abolishing the existing facility totally. Both the sides must have pondered over the issues seriously.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Journal 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Journal 4 - Essay Example It is unfortunate that many people do not recognize that God ha such love for us (Greidanus, 2007). The course enabled me to gain familiarity with the challenges that Jesus faced when he was on earth. I am happy that he set a perfect example for us to emulate. Jesus did promise his disciples that he would provide them with his holy spirit. Notably, God’s Holy Spirit still guides us today. It is comforting to recognize that God and Jesus understand the criticality of the times we are living. Therefore, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit who guides us on the right way. In addition, the course made me realize that Jesus does intercede for us. The fact that Jesus intercedes for us proved to be very comforting to me because there are times when I feel that it is impossible to express my true feelings to God (Malone, 2006). As an imperfect human being, I find it comforting to realize that Jesus who understands the challenges on earth intercedes for us Christians. The course introduced the angels and their purpose. From the course, I learned that the angels were present during creation and that they celebrated the good work that God did. However, the example of Satan, who chose to challenge the sovereignty of God served as a warning to me as a Christian. Since Satan understands his fate, he is determined to lead as many people as possible astray. My greatest concern in the period we are living in is whether I will be able to survive and resist the temptations of Satan. Therefore, I am praying for myself continuously that I may be able to appreciate God’s love that He showed through His son and helped God give an answer to his adversary Satan (Greidanus, 2007). However, there are still aspects of the judgment period that I do not understand fully, especially the ones revealed in the book of

I have placed the title in the assighnment criteria below Essay

I have placed the title in the assighnment criteria below - Essay Example t, tort and restitution is sometimes said to be based on the nature of the remedies available in relation to each, and in particular the measure of damages.’ The concept of contract was established in the nineteenth century, which prompted the development of a body of associated laws generally known as the Classical law of Contracts. â€Å"The common law of torts originated in a rural society, where the centralized justice was being born.† 1 The Law of Contract is oriented around the idea of ‘Freedom of Contract’, probably due to the influence of the laissez faire economy existent in the 19th century. "The classical school reflects the priorities of its age, which greatly valued free enterprise, private autonomy and laissez-faire approach to economic activity." 2 With the increase in industrialization, it was realized that a separate set of regulations to regulate a business needed to be developed. The court and the law on the other hand would only intervene for settling any kind of disputes. Hence the parties signing a contract would be governed by a set of rationalistic principles and the resultant transactions woul d eventually benefit both the parties as well as the society. The Law of Torts comes into play when there’s a wrongful interference with the rights in a contract. Therefore, whenever a person intentionally breaches a contract between two parties, it’s said that a tort is committed. When a person becomes the subject of legal damages, he or she is liable to be compensated for the damages done. "Under the tort system, a person who has injured himself has no right to compensation." 3 In tort law, the person who’s committed the offence is called the plaintiff and generally, the Law of Torts covers intentional acts as well as accidents. Here’s a simple example which demonstrate the Law of Torts: Suppose Roger and Pete are playing golf, and suddenly a shot by Pete hits Roger. Roger can now sue Pete for losses such as pain or medical treatment

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Counseling paper on short term premarital relationships (why do they Research

Counseling on short term premarital relationships (why do they succeed or fail) - Research Paper Example Keywords: short term premarital relationships Short Term Premarital Relationships As long as time has existed so has existed the idea of marriage and matrimony; the harmonious existence of two people living with each other and spending the rest of their lives together. A couple is supposed to signify emotions of trust, loyalty as well as affection and love towards each other. According to ancient traditions all around the world, in various cultures and countries, marriages are very sacred and are considered to be a blessing from heaven. The union of two people along with their families and friends is considered to be a gift from above for the purpose of sharing love and mutual understanding. However, if one looks into the past, one can easily see that love developed among people without being given a chance; love is not an emotion that waits to happen, it just happens between people and then they need to explore it and find out whether or not the two chosen ones are good enough for e ach other. (Mueller, W) The problem was that in olden times, people were not given the opportunity to try and test out methods and carry out such experiments of short term relationships in order to scrutinize and understand a second person. Such a relationship was looked upon as a taboo. Divorce rates and break ups were not high at the time because of fear of being frowned upon by society. People were under pressure to be with people whom they did not want to spend the rest of their lives with as well. That is why, as more and more people began to look upon this emotion as a burden, thoughts began to become more open and people understood the need for giving time to get to know a person before jumping into an eternal bond with them in the form of marriage. In today’s world nonetheless, the concept of being with someone has changed quite a bit. Falling in love is a very easy aspect of people’s lives because of the kind of openness and broad mindedness that people have l earnt to associate themselves with in the modern day and age. Being in a relationship with someone can range from being a long term to a short term process, depending on the understanding that two people are able to create for each other. It also depends on how well a person is able to adjust and absorb himself into the other’s space. Thus, the best way to understand another person is to find out his or her character and comprehend their personality in order to be able to fit into their lives. This can only be done if time is spent trying to understand someone and getting to know their likes and dislikes. For the most part therefore, couples today have begun to seek a premarital relationship which acts as a rehearsal for the main long term relationship. This involves living together as husband and wife but also knowing that in the eyes of law and on paper, they are still not bound to each other by holy matrimony. (Stahmann, R. F) Short term premarital relationships refer to l ive in relationship between people which last for a short period. Many people who get into such relationships are afraid of an everlasting commitment and thus are in it for a short time period. Being in such a relationship has both its pros as well as its cons, which have been further discussed within the purview of this

Economics (Answer 2 questions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economics (Answer 2 questions) - Essay Example For instance, the procurement price for wheat and rice rose to 170 and 240 by 1980 (taking the base at 100 in 1970). Thus, there has been a substantial rise in the procurement prices of these commodities with a view to placate the rich farmers who form one of the dominant groups. Next, the license and control mechanism called by many derisively as the â€Å"Inspector Raj† placed undue emphasis on stifling the innovative and entrepreneurial tendencies to favor the few industrial houses that controlled the economy. The resulting contraction in industrial output has been shown as a result of these policies by Bardhan. The third dominant group, the professionals have managed to retain their supremacy in knowledge and allied interests by making sure that they have high â€Å"scarcity value† in a country where the overwhelming majority are illiterate. They have done this by making sure that resources are diverted from initiatives that provide for mass education to higher education schools and colleges where the elite minority can get admission. However, it is not always the case that these dominant groups act in unison or are hand in glove with each other. There have been instances where the rich farmers have found themselves in opposition to the bureaucrats and the professional class particularly when it came to the distribution of largesse by the government in the form of subsidies and the like. Thus, there have been conditions where the dominant groups have found themselves in conflict with each other. 2) It a long held belief pioneered by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen that social indices of development are a better guide to the overall development of an economy than purely economic indicators. This fact has been reinforced by many studies that point to the emergence of so-called â€Å"Tiger Economies† of South East Asia by investing in human and social capital. Dreze and Sen argue that even in India,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Overrated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Overrated - Essay Example Does iPad really give you the value of your money? I don’t think so. It doesn’t really satisfy a need or necessity it only satisfies the hunger for looking rich! Aside from that, survey showed 10 reasons why you shouldn’t buy an iPad; (1) Minimal selection of external ports, (2) Bluetooth Headset Required to Make Calls, (3) iBookstore Only in the United States, (4) Can Only Download Software from the Applestore, (5) Battery Policy, (6) No Camera, (7) No Widescreen, (8) No Flash Support, (9) No Multitasking and (10) Not Sexy Enough. Indeed iPad is not useful enough and worthy enough for the money you will use to buy it, definitely poor in functionality. Better yet surrender your dreams and aspirations of having one because surely you won’t be able to maximize the usage of it. Plus, the fast-phased release of new technology will make your big bucks investment on iPad logging behind these new gadgets to come. Still want to buy an iPad? Think twice. Reference: Amy Swamson, â€Å"10 Reasons The Ipad is Overrated† April 6, 2010, Retrieved April 28, 2011 from

Marketing Plan for The Times Newspaper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Plan for The Times Newspaper - Essay Example This essay stresses that marketing strategy is primarily concerned with the process where a need satisfying product or service is exchanged for a certain value and there are mainly four variables that constitute a market offering and they are: product, distribution/place, price, and marketing communication. To a greater extent, the success of any marketing strategy employed by any company is strongly dependent on the effectiveness of its marketing communication. There must be a good flow of information between the buyer and the seller to enable the buyers to make informed decisions which always take precedence before the actual purchase. In its endeavor to establish a new product, The Times ought to adopt strategies that would allow them to clearly distinguish their target market in a bid to have some competitive advantage over other rival competitors who also operate in the same industry. This paper makes a conclusion that communication plays a very important role in marketing a product to the customers. The advent of the internet has brought about sweeping changes in the way organisations operate as well as market their products. There is need for an organisation to segment its market in order to clearly identify their target customers in order to have a competitive advantage over other rival competitors that may exist in the market. As noted, there is need for The Times newspaper to effectively use marketing communication in order to successfully launch a new product to the customers.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Jaguar Land Rover plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Jaguar Land Rover plc - Essay Example JLR has managed to capture markets in North America, UK, Europe and China. JLR has a large sales and distribution network. Jaguar and Land Rover compete in 101 and 174 respectively. Its large distribution network comprises of 18 National Sales Companies, 61 export partners, 83 importers and 2,241 franchise dealers. (JAGUAR LAND ROVER PLC. 2011; BANERJEE, B. 2008) Financial Results: JLR Plc has shown improvement in its financial results over the years. In 2008 when it was acquired it was a loss making company, with the improvement in technology, cost cutting strategies, increased volume, product and market mix and favorable exchange movements Tata Motors has managed to make JLR Plc a profitable business for the group. In 2011, due to its expansion in new markets of China and Russia where demand of premium cars was high, helped improve the company’s performance. An increase in revenue- retail and wholesale both, earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA ) and net income have also been recorded in 2011 as compared to previous financial years due to efforts made in development of new products, entering new markets and resulting increase in volumes, decrease in costs and better working capital management. (JAGUAR LAND ROVER PLC. 2011; BANERJEE, B. ... Information could be required about ROI, RI, payback periods of a product etc. Mangers require financial information like revenue and costs to determine profit. In this analysis cost of goods sold is involved which is closely related to inventory management that is an important aspect of management’s work. In an automobile business like JLR inventory management and valuation (completed products and work in progress) is the key to success, holding large inventory increases cost or keeping less inventory results in stock outs, both effecting customers. (DRURY, C., & DRURY, C. 2005) On the other hand JLR managers need information to take routine decisions and also strategic long term decisions. Information is required relating to profitability to know which products to retain and which should be abandoned. Cost information is crucial aspect of the business too. Based on this information managers take decisions about company’s cost cutting strategies and enables them to com pete in highly competitive markets. (DRURY, C., & DRURY, C. 2005) Activity Based Costing: Cost information and its analysis is an important aspect of any business to gain a competitive edge over other business. The breakup of costs and easy, fairer allocation of costs incurred can provide a true picture about the profitability of the products. In automotive business like JR Plc, a large portion of costs are incurred in administrative activities which are difficult to apportion directly to the products. ABC can change the way organization measure their performance and view their performance. (ANDERSON, S. W., & YOUNG, S. M. 2001) Data collection and employee

Broom Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Broom Industry - Research Paper Example In the case of the broom-corn broom, it was pointed out that by 1996, there were only about 600 nationwide employees for the broom industry in the United States. Of the total imports in 1991, Mexico supplied 52% or roughly 11% of the total consumption. Panama supplied 14% of the total import or estimated 3% of the total US consumption, Honduras represented 10% of the total import or roughly 2% of total consumed. Hungary held 13% of the total import and represents about 3% of the total 1991 US consumption. In consideration of the presented data, there is a levelling and balancing of market share as an effect of the NAFTA. It is expected that lifting of tariffs allows exchange of goods and services that will give a chance for lower cost products to compete with higher costing product . Below summarises that effect of NAFTA on the broom-corn broom: Imports come from Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Colombia and Hungary. The total import in 1991 was about 20.1% of the apparent consumption, with US supplying about 79%. Import fell by roughly 19% by 1992 with US sourced at 81%. Import rose at 23% by 1993, decreasing US counterpart to 76%. By 1994, total consumption grew but import also grew at 29% while US suppliers were able to ship only about 70%. Likewise, the trend of continued import growth in 1995 had imports garner a total of 36% of the market share as compared to the US shipment of only about 63%. The effects of the The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that NAFTA had a comparatively small but positive effect on US exports to Mexico which ranges from 2.2 percent in 1994 to 11.3 percent in 2001 with a parallel result for US imports from Mexico that grew from 1.9 % in 1994 to 7.7% in 2001. In fact, considering these figures, the US gained more as the balance of trade in goods had been considerably small, of which decline were noted since 1993 attributed to the peso crash in late 1994, the associated Mexican recession in late 2000, and the prolonged US economic boom from 1990s through 2000 (CBO, 2002). Below are the indicative charts presented by CBO: U.S. Goods Trade with Mexico with and Without NAFTA (In billions of dollars) Source: Congressional Budget Office using data from the Bureau of the Census for actual values and projections from CBO's model for other values. Likewise, the trade balance is illustrated in the following table below: Effects of NAFTA on U.S. Goods Trade w

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Bukidnon Deer Park and Wildlife Center Reaction Paper Essay Example for Free

Bukidnon Deer Park and Wildlife Center Reaction Paper Essay On August 26, 2012 I visited the Bukidnon Deer Park and Wildlife Center located at San Miguel, Maramag, Bukidnon. The purpose of the trip was to look at some fascinating wild animals that live from different parts of the world and to learn more about them. The first animals I visited were the mammals. Mammals are class of warm-blooded vertebrate animals that have, in the female, milk-secreting organs for feeding the young. The animals available at the park that represents this class were the Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis), Palawan Bear Cat (Arctictus binturong), Common Palm Civet (Paradoxuros hermaphrodites), Balabac Mouse Deer (Tragulus nigricans), Leopard Cat (Pronailarus bengalensis), Philippine Mouse Deer (Cervus marianus), and lastly the Wild Pig (Sus philippinensis). After we have visited the mammals we then go straight to the Aves. But on the way to the Aves we came along to pass by the Japanese Koi (Cyprinus carpio). These are carps with red-gold or white coloring, kept as an aquarium or ornamental pond fish, native in Japan. They were so fun to watch. Finally we arrive where the Aves are caged. Aves are two-legged, warm-blooded animals with wings, a beak, and body covered with feathers. These animals lay eggs from which their young hatch, and most of the species can fly. The animals available at the park that represents this class were the Philippine Serpent Eagle (Spilornis holospilus), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indicus), Single-wattled Cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus), Dwarf Cassowary (Cassuarius bennetti), Indian Blue Peafowl (Pavo cristatus), Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri), Blue-naped Parrot (Tanygnathus lucionensis), Pied Imperial Pigoen (Ducula bicolor), Nicobar Pigeon (Caleonas nicobarica), Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), Spotted Imperial Pigeon (Ducula carola), Lady Amherst Pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae), Blacked-chinned Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus leclancheri), True Silver Pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), Mindanao Rofous Hornbill (Buceros hydrocorax mindanensis), Visayan Hornbill (Penelopide panini ), and lastly the African Ostrich (Struthio camelius) which I liked the most because of its beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. Ostrich is also the largest and fastest living bird. It is a two-toed fast-running bird with a long bare neck, small head, and fluffy dropping feathers. But sad to say, it cannot fly. The third and last animal I visited were the reptiles. Reptiles are animals with tough, dry skin covered with horny scales. Reptiles are vertebrates – animals with backbone. They share characteristics common to other vertebrates – fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. But reptiles display a unique combination of characteristics that distinguishes them from other vertebrates. Like amphibians, modern reptiles are cold-blooded, or ectothermic. This means that they are unable to produce their own body heat, so they rely on the sun for body warmth, and much of their behavior is directed toward regulating their body temperature. Some of the most widespread living reptiles are turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and alligators. The park only exhibit crocodiles among the class reptilian. They have the Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), and the Philippine Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis). The Bukidnon Deer Park and Wildlife Center helped for the maintenance of these wild animals that are near to endangerment and they also hatch eggs and do breeding for these animals to survive in this cruel world. This is very important so that our next generation can still see this wonderful creatures and gain knowledge at them.

Lyme, the Silent Killer Essay Example for Free

Lyme, the Silent Killer Essay Lyme disease is disease transmitted by the deer tick also known as the black legged tick. It is caused by an infection called Borrelia Burgdorferi which is a type of bacterium called a spirochete. The deer tick can transmit the spirochetes to humans and other animals causing them to become infected with Lyme disease. Lyme disease first begins as a multi system inflammatory disease which first attacks the skin in the localized stage, then spreads to the joints the nervous system and other organ systems. If the Lyme disease is diagnosed early it can be treated with antibiotics, but it does depend on the progression of the diseases among the patient. Often the tick must be attached to your body for 24 36 hours to spread the bacteria to your blood. The spirochete is injected from the victims skin into the bloodstream establishing itself in various body tissues. After an incubation period of 3 to 32 days, the organism migrates outward in the skin, is spread through the lymphatic system or is disseminated by the blood to different body organs or other skin sites. Lyme disease was first described in 1909 in European medical journals. The first outbreak in the United States occurred in the early 1970s in Old Lyme, Connecticut. An unusually high incidence of juvenile arthritis in the area led scientists to investigate and identify the disorder. In 1981, Dr. Willy Burgdorfer identified the bacterial spirochete organism (Borrelia Burgdorferi) which causes this disorder. Lyme disease is known to be the number one arthropod disease is the United States occurring in 48 of the 50 states and up to 12,000 cases of Lyme disease diagnosed annually. Lyme disease is has three stages which are early localized disease with skin inflammation, early disseminated disease with heart and nervous system involvement, including palsies and meningitis, and the last stage of the disease called later disseminated which causes motor and sensory nerve damage and brain inflammation as well arthritis. The first stage is called Localized Lyme disease and in this early phase of the illness, within days to weeks of the tick bite, the skin around the bite develops an expanding ring of unraised redness. There may be an outer ring of brighter redness and a central area of clearing, leading to a bulls-eye appearance, the rash also has a warm to touch feeling .The first rash seen on the patient is called erythema migrans. The redness of the skin is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms which may include fever, chills, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes and headache. Sometimes these more serious symptoms develop without the person ever having had a rash. The redness resolves, without treatment, in about a month. Weeks to months after the initial redness of the skin, the bacteria spread throughout the body and can begin affecting the joints, heart, and nervous system. The later phases of Lyme disease can affect the heart, and cause inflammation of the heart muscle. This can result in abnormal heart rhythms and heart failure. The nervous system can develop facial muscle paralysis also known as Bells palsy, abnormal sensation due to disease of peripheral nerves which is also known as peripheral neuropathy, meningitis, and confusion. Arthritis, or inflammation in the joints, begins with swelling, stiffness, and pain. Usually, only one or a few joints become affected, most commonly the knees. The arthritis of Lyme disease can look like many other types of inflammatory arthritis and can become chronic. Lyme disease occurs in wooded areas with populations of mice and deer which carry ticks, and can be contracted during any season of the year. The medication used for adults with Lyme disease the antibiotic tetracycline is the drug of choice. Penicillin V and erythromycin have also been used in children. Penicillin V is now recommended for neurological abnormalities. It is not yet clear whether antibiotic treatment is helpful later in the illness when arthritis is the most predominant symptom. Treatment should be started as soon as the rash appears. A clear diagnosis of Lyme disease can be tricky, and often relies on information the patient and through process of elimination the Doctor will be able to out rule other conditions. Lyme disease and its symptoms often mimic many other diseases which target multi body systems such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. Doctors will perform a specific blood test called Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) which can detect antibodies present of Lyme disease. Results of this test may be inaccurate if patients have had antibiotics soon after contracting Lyme disease, or in those who have weakened immune systems. SOURCES 1.American Lyme disease foundation. (2006, April). Retrieved from 2.American College of Physicians. (2012). Lyme disease- A patients guide. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Drawbacks Of Traditional Ip Forwarding Information Technology Essay

Drawbacks Of Traditional Ip Forwarding Information Technology Essay Service provider network has a requirement to fast switching without any routing lookup in the core network and not to load the traffic in core network. If traffic congested in core network it makes a big delay whole network traffic switching. As a result MPLS technology has been introduced. MPLS is a packet forwarding technology used in service provider core network for fast switching of packets. MPLS technology uses label technology to switch the packets rather than traditional destination IP based mechanism. Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a packet forwarding technology used in the service provider core network. MPLS uses the labels to packet forwarding instead of traditional destination IP based mechanism to integrate the layer 2 information such as bandwidth, latency, utilization with layer 3 (IP) elements. MPLS Labels usually correspond to IP destination networks. Labels also correspond to other parameters such as Quality of Service (QoS), source address or layer 2 circuits. Label switching is regardless of layer 3 protocol. MPLS is called multiprotocol because it works with the Internet Protocol (IP), Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM), and frame relay network protocols. Why MPLS MPLS is a protocol neutral MPLS is designed to integrate layer 2 information about network links (bandwidth, latency, utilization) into layer 3 (IP) elements. That allowed MPLS to work with ATM, Frame Relay and Ethernet at the core Drawbacks of Traditional IP forwarding Routing protocols are used to distribute Layer3 routing Information. Regardless of routing protocol, routers always forward packets based on the destination address only. Destination based routing does not provide any mechanism for load balancing across unequal paths. Routing lookups are performed on every hop. This is much over head to every hop and it makes delay on forwarding packets since, the routing table consists hundreds of thousands routes. Routing complexity depends on the size of routing table. MPLS is adaptable MPLS is able to support new application and services such as layer 2 layer 3 VPNs, Ethernet services and traffic engineering. MPLS is cost effective solution In case of VPN provision, Service providers use one centralized network to connect number of sites of a customer. Likewise several customers are served using a single MPLS network. Traditional IP forwarding Technology Traditional IP based technology designed based on routing protocols which used to distribute layer3 routing information, Destination based packet forwarding technology and routing lookup on every hop. When packets reach the nodes for routing, All the nodes (routers) in the network, will have a destination address based lookup in the routing table which is the data base provides for which destination packets has to be routed through which interface. Policy based routing is only exception for destination based routing. The following figure shows the traditional IP forwarding mechanism. Figure2. Traditional IP forwarding Technology As a packet of a connectionless network layer protocol travels from one router to the next, each router makes an independent forwarding decision for that packet. That is, each router analyzes the packets header, and each router runs a network layer routing algorithm. Each router independently chooses a next hop for the packet, based on its analysis of the packets header and the results of running the routing algorithm. Packet headers contain considerably more information than is needed simply to choose the next hop. Choosing the next hop can therefore be thought of as the composition of two functions. The first function partitions the entire set of possible packets into a set of Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs). The second maps each FEC to a next hop. Insofar as the forwarding decision is concerned, different packets which get mapped into the same FEC are indistinguishable. All packets which belong to a particular FEC and which travel from a particular node will follow the same path (or if certain kinds of multi-path routing are in use, they will all follow one of a set of paths associated with the FEC). In conventional IP forwarding, a particular router will typically consider two packets to be in the same FEC if there is some address prefix X in that routers routing tables such that X is the longest match for each packets destination address. As the packet traverses the network, each hop in turn re-examines the packet and assigns it to a FEC. Drawbacks of Traditional IP forwarding As shown in the diagram, router does a routing lookup for each packet in a large routing database. The destination based routing lookup is forward through longest prefix match of the destination IP address. Each router has to do the same job until the packet reaches the destination. It makes more latency on packet delivery, processing load for routers. Service provider core network is running with much loaded traffic. Normal routers canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t perform packet forwarding based on traditional ip forwarding technology. MPLS Applications Figure3.MPLS Applications Virtual Private Network (VPN) MPLS VPN application is one of the main targets of the project. MPLS provides a secure inter sites connectivity without any complexity for customers who have number of branches all over the country. VPN connectivity between the branches over MPLS is a big business for service providers and a main application over MPLS. The Reason for MPLS VPN rapid growth amongst the customers is MPLS allows service providers to create new VPNs without having to install new hardware; it significantly reduces the cost of implementation, which in turn reduces the overall cost of VPNs. Other reason is small and Medium Enterprise (SME) customers donà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t want to put the IT infrastructure with new hardware such as Firewalls to interconnect the sites (branches). Since, it is a big investment for them and more complex to manage the inter connectivity between branches. Next of all, MPLS provides a centralised control over the connectivity of branches. Customers only need to provide only one connection from their office router to the service provider rather than setting up and managing individual points between each office. This central control effectively removes the need for additional trained manpower. Additional benefits can be realised through this central management as a business is given greater control of Internet usage as well. The following figure shows how a service provider connects several customers using MPLS as a centralised point without complexity Another reason is VPN over MPLS is more secure than connecting entire sites using firewalls because there is no separate private network for a customer in such a situation. Each siteà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s firewall will establish connectivity over the internet using IPSEC. It makes much security threat over the data. Other MPLS Applications MPLS QoS MPLS quality of service helps to classify the traffic such as voice, data, signaling, best effort and other traffics and guarantee the allocated bandwidth Traffic engineering One of the most obvious advantages of MPLS is that it provides customers with a number of tools for traffic engineering. An MPLS network can offer the same sort of quality of service guarantees that data transport services like Frame Relay or ATM can, without requiring the use of any dedicated lines. Multicast routing Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) is the control protocol used to create FEC tables; extensions of version 2 of the PIM protocol are used to exchange FEC-label binding. Pseudowires These can be used to evolve legacy networks and services, such as Frame Relay, ATM, PPP, High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), and Ethernet. Traffic is accepted into the network via a variety of access technologies, labeled at the edge, and transported over a common MPLS core. At the network egress, the label is removed and delivered in a manner similar to the ingress implementation. Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) The goal of GMPLS is to integrate control of the routing layer with that of the optical transmission layer, thus facilitating the implementation of traffic engineering across the network. Optical cross-connect platforms do not examine traffic passing through themà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬in contrast to routers, for example. GMPLS deployment links capacity provisioning in the optical layer for an automated execution of resource reservation (for example, bandwidth brokering and provisioning). MPLS Architecture MPLS architecture consists of two planes such as Forwarding plane and Control plane. The above diagram shows the conceptual diagram of MPLS architecture. The MPLS control plane is a collection of protocols that collectively establish network level functionality in MPLS networks. The protocols are implemented as software in routers. They will communicate with each other and transfer signaling information. Protocols specify the message formats, syntax, semantics, and transaction sequence for the message exchange. The main functionality performed by the control plane is to establish the Label Switched Path for packet forwarding. The data plane is used for the transport of packets (or label swapping algorithm). This separation permits applications to be developed and deployed in a scalable and flexible manner. MPLS Operation The above diagram shows the MPLS functionality. The edge routers of the MPLS cloud is known as Label Edge Routers (LERs) or Provide Edge routers (PE Routers). These edge routers are designed to inspect IP packets entering the network and add MPLS headers, as well as removing the headers from packets leaving the MPLS network. In central of the MPLS cloud there are four backbone routers placed. These routers are known as Label Switch Routers (LSRs) or P routers look for an MPLS label on each packet that passes through them, looking up and following the instructions contained in those labels, routing them based on a list of instructions. MPLS allows administrators to define routes known as Label Switched Paths (LSPs) from one LER to another, through a series of LSRS, across the MPLS network. These LSPs are pre-assigned and pre-engineered paths that packets with a certain label should follow. MPLS Labeling Forwarding Equivalency Class (FEC) is used in MPLS to describe the identical characteristics packets which may forward in the same way. Characteristics determine the FEC of the packets but typically it is at least destination IP address. FEC consists of a group of IP destinations for which a fixed-length identifier is assigned which is called label. The path corresponding to each FEC between the ingress (PE router which accept the packets to MPLS cloud) and egress (PE router which send off the packets out to MPLS cloud) LSRs is called Label Switched Paths (LSP). An FEC, therefore, determines how packets are mapped to an LSP. A label is assigned to the FEC imposition operation either by tagging an existing field or as a complement in the packet header. The label is pivotal to the establishment of the LSP through all the routers. Each LSR analyzes the incoming packet label. Then after consulting a label table that permits it to recognize the LSP, the LSR switches the packet to the next LSR after changing the value of the label. The label is removed at the egress LSR or a disposition operation is performed.

Users select their destinations

Users select their destinations GROUP ASSIGNMENT PART Study the following case study and answer all the tasks listed. An automated ticket-issuing system sells rail tickets as you find in London underground and over ground railway stations. Users select their destinations and can be pay cash the exact amount or input a credit card and a personal identification number (PIN). The rail ticket is issued and their credit card account charged if the ticket was bought using a credit card. When the user presses the start button, a menu display of potential destinations is activated, along with a message to the user to select a destination. Once a destination has been selected, users are requested to pay cash or input their credit card. In the last case, its validity is checked and the user is then requested to input a personal identifier. When the credit transaction has been validated, the ticket is issued. ambiguities or omissions in the above scenario An automatic ticket issuing system sells rail tickets. Users select their destination, and input a credit card and a personal identification number. The rail ticket is issued and their credit card account charged with its cost. When the user presses the start button, a menu display of potential destinations is activated along with a message to the user to select a destination. Once a destination has been selected, users are requested to input their credit card. Its validity is checked and the user is then requested to input a personal identifier. When the credit transaction has been validated, the ticket is issued. Ambiguities and omissions include: Can a customer buy several tickets for the same destination together or must they be bought one at a time? Can customers cancel a request if a mistake has been made? How should the system respond if an invalid card is input? What happens if customers try to put their card in before selecting a destination (as they would in ATM machines)? Must the user press the start button again if they wish to buy another ticket to a different destination? Should the system only sell tickets between the station where the machine is situated and direct connections or should it include all possible destinations? What type of input device (touch screen vs. keyboard)? Ticket prices Room on train (assumes tickets have times on them) Train departure and arrival times. Do customers buy tickets for a specific train? Or for any trip along the route? (If the latter, then no way to tell if all the seats on a train are sold out, nor can you do seat assignments.) Seat assignments (see above) Print receipt? identified ambiguities in some appropriate way. Function Give customer a rail ticket, and charge credit account or take cash from customer and give the customer, a rail ticket. Description Determine customers destination, calculate the charge for the trip, and charge the customer the appropriate amount. If charge is complete, print the ticket, otherwise, print no ticket, and report error to customer. Inputs Destination, credit card number and PIN. Outputs Tickets, error messages Action Ask the customer for their destination, when input, calculate the total, and prompt to insert a credit card, prompt customer for PIN, prompt customer that the transaction is taking place, if successful print the ticket and return to start state, if unsuccessful, ask customer to swipe their card again and re-input the PIN. If unsuccessful again, prompt that the transaction has failed, and return to start state. Requires Destination, credit card number and PIN Pre-condition None Post-condition None Side effects Charge to the customers credit account user requirements definitions The user requirements for a system should describe the functional and nonfunctional requirements so that they are understandable by system users without any technical knowledge. When we write the user requirement we should not write with technical forms, table or diagrams. We should write in simple language with simple table, forms and diagrams. The actors in the system are the passenger, the counter clerk and the reservation system consisting of form processing, reservation, fare computation, ticket processing, ticket printing, collection of fare amount and posting as sub-systems. The passenger is a passive user-actor who initiates the process and obtains the ticket(s), a goal of measurable value. The counter clerk is an active user-actor, who triggers the system and has the role of issuing the tickets with the responsibility of collecting the correct fare amount from the passenger, which is a measurable value. Predesigned and deployed ticket reservation system at the back end is a system actor-user to ensure that ticket processing is done correctly and different system statuses are updated on issuing of tickets. This actor has an active role and responsibility at the back end. system requirements specifications System requirements Specifications are specified using the standard way of these forms. Function: Issuing Ticket Description: Issuing the ticket when the user select their desired tickets and make the correct payment. Inputs: Destination, child or Adult ,Pay by card or cash Output: Their desired ticket to be issued with their payment receipt Requires : Money Pre- Condition: Ticket will be validate between the user current place and the selected destination, Otherwise user will have to pay the penalty fare. a sequence diagram Scenario 1 This diagram shows about the user wants their ticket from the machine. It shows the interaction between user and ticket machine where user puts the requirement to the machine and the machine gives options back to the user. Scenario 2 This diagram shows the user chose the station and the machine give option back to user needs to choose from following option for e.g return ticket which class user wants to travel. After selecting options the user needs to pay for payment machine give option for eg cash or card. If the user choose card the ticket machine need to validate from card user. Scenario 3 This diagram represents a sequence activity when user buy a ticket using credit or debit card. When the user insert the card. The card is validated with the card issuer the validation of the card is returned to machine which then displays the result to the user. If the card is valid then the user need to enter the pin. The validity of the pin is checked. If the pin is wrong user need to try again. Once completed the user account is credited and the ticket along with the receipt to the user. Non-functional requirements The ticket system shall respond to user inputs to provide tickets and charge accounts in a timely manner. The system shall continue to function so long as roll of ticket paper is in the machine, and a network connection is provided for the destination database and credit transactions. Upon receipt of the destination from the user, the database shall be accessed to determine the distance from the units location, to the desired destination, and calculate the appropriate fee. The unit shall then prompt the user to input their card information, and the unit shall verify that the card is a credit card, is valid, and has sufficient credit to be charged. Upon successful verification, the unit shall print a ticket, and return to its ready state, for the next transaction to take place. The reliability this system relies on the durability of the physical user interface, the network connection in the area the system is placed, the size of the ticket rolls that the unit can accept, and the mecha nism for dispensing the tickets. The estimated time for a complete transaction would be about thirty seconds, giving twenty for the user interactions, five for validation and verification of the users account, and five for printing and dispensing the ticket. Use-cases Requirements validation process. Customer inserts her credit card into the ticket machine. card provider checks the card number. Then the machine asks for the pin-code. User enters the pin-code. Then the ticket machine requests database to validate the credit card. Ticket on processes. customer can use the ticket finaly. A semantic data model Impact if when the customer pays cash As the sequence diagram shows, the customer goes to ticket machine, and he is allowed to not have axact amount, the machine will confirm the amount, go through the check process and issues the ticket with receipt. References and Bibliography: Sommerville (2007), Computer Information Technology in Processors, 8th Edition,, Use Diagram (2010) Unified Approach and Unified Modeling Language. [Online].Available from: [Accessed 13 Feb 2010]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Time, Talent and Tangible Resources :: essays research papers

Time, Talent and Tangible Resources It is difficult to believe that it is already time to write my fourth and final column as president of NCSEA for the Child Support Quarterly. Although this is my last major writing assignment, many opportunities to be of service to the child support community remain available between now and August 2, 2000, and I assure you that I will avail myself of as many of them as are humanly possible. I decided to close out my series of these columns by sharing with the broader NCSEA family my personal view of what our beloved child support program should look like in the future. I have long held that the child support program needs to look much more like the backroom of MasterCard, Visa or American Express rather than a cash assistance program. There is little question that the child support program was the cash assistance program designed to provide comprehensive reinforcements to families in need. Child support, as well as the other programs in our income assistance system, has a unique contribution to make to family well-being. The question is: how can child support best make that contribution. Whatever else may be added to or subtracted from it, I believe, child support’s core functions will always include establishing paternities, locating noncustodial parents obligated to pay child support, establishing support orders, enforcing those orders, collecting and distributing child support payments. I would suggest the customer service centers for this country’s credit card industry hold some valuable and transferable approaches that can be used to improve not only the delivery of child support services, but also the public perception of the child support community. Just think about it. When you call your credit card company about a recent purchase or their failure to properly credit a recent payment, you don’t even know, let alone have a long-standing relationship with, the customer service representative. They do not have to â€Å"case manage† you in order to provide you with value added service. You simply make the call, state your problem and get the information you need. The customer service representative has the appropriate charge investigated (with the understanding that the charge will be removed from your account in the interim), sends you a letter verifying the nature of this interaction and you move on a happy camper - at least for the moment. That is the level of service that the American public has come to expect in their daily business transactions, and that is the level service that the public anticipates from the child support program.

What is in yours? :: science

What is in yours? From the moment parents bring their new baby home from the hospital, they watch their baby's progress, anticipating every inch of growth and each new developmental milestone along the way. But what exactly are they watching for and how do parents know if their child is growing properly? Growth is the various physical and developmental milestones that most children reach during each age level. Physical growth, which is generally measured in terms of height, weight and head growth, is also monitored carefully. This includes increases in height and weight as well as development in cognitive, language, and social skills. Hair grows; teeth come in, come out, and come in again; and eventually puberty hits. It's all part of the growth process. The first year of an infant's life is a time of astonishing change. During this time, a baby will grow rapidly and achieve major developmental milestones, such as taking first steps or maybe even saying a few first words. On average, babies grow 10 inches in height while tripling birth weight by their first birthday. Beginning in infancy, a child will visit a doctor for regular checkups. At each of these visits, the doctor will record the child's height and weight on a growth chart. This chart shows the doctor and parents how the child's height and weight compare to that of other children the same age. This can help your child's doctor determine whether your child is growing at an appropriate rate or whether there might be any problems. After age 1, a baby's growth in length slows considerably, and by 2 years, growth in height usually continues at a fairly steady rate of approximately 2 1/2 inches per year until adolescence. No child grows at a perfectly steady rate throughout this period of childhood, however. Weeks or months of slightly slower growth alternate with mini growth spurts in normal children. Kids actually tend to grow a bit faster in the spring than during other times of the year. A major growth spurt occurs at the time of puberty. Around ages 8 to 13 in girls and 10 to 15 in boys, kids enter puberty, which lasts from about 2 to 5 years. By the time girls reach age 15 and boys reach age 16 or 17, the growth associated with puberty will have ended for most teens and they will have reached physical maturity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Herbal Medicine :: essays research papers fc

Herbal Medicine I would like to start out by saying a verse from Genesis 1:29-30 â€Å"And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.† This verse from the bible has a powerful, but simple meaning; all herbs shall be taken in to our body as the meat for healing. I not only believe in herbs because it is said in the bible, but because herbal medicine has the power to prevent & heal. Why?, well, its quite simple really, our bodies are organic, so, why would you want to take in something that’s inorganic, would it not be wiser to allow the body to heal with organic products. That’s exactly what you are doing when taking pain relievers, heparin, and antihypertensive medications just to name a few. In herbal medicine, the patient is empowered, and since herbs are certainly more convenient, without prescriptions or limitations, more patients can enjoy their benefits. The benefits which I’m speaking of is the ability to prevent & heal. Let’s take cardiovascular disease for example, which just happens to be the leading cause of death in the U.S., and according to Dr. David Vastola in his book To y our good health, he wrote out a section with a natural alternative for CAD and hypertension, how, well he says by taking in Omega 3, L-Carnitine, and Coenzyme Q10, that these 3 things can help a person to cope with CAD, and as for hypertension all they have to do is either to take Coenzyme Q10 or Hawthorne. Have we all here heard one time or another that ulcers are cause by stress, well, the NIH said that ulcers are caused by the helicobacterpylori bacteria, not by stress, and the NIH said that they can be â€Å"cured† with a combination of the trace mineral bismuth and tetracycline. The number two cause of death in America as we all know is Cancer, well, the NCI (Sept 1993) and Harvard Medical School performed a study on cancer patients, and the results were that they found an anti-cancer diet.

paganbeo Pagan Aspect of Beowulf Essay -- Epic Beowulf essays

The Pagan Aspect of Beowulf      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Beowulf the pagan aspect is revealed through many passages and many heathen rites or customs in which the form of expression or the thought suggests pagan usage or beliefs.    â€Å"The poet’s heroic age is full of men both ‘emphatically pagan and exceptionally good,’ men who believe in a God whom they thank at every imaginable opportunity. Yet they perform all the pagan rites known to Tacitua, and are not Christian† (Frank 52). Certainly the pagan element seems to be too deeply interwoven in the text for us to suppose that it is due to additions made by scribes at a time when the poem had come to be written down. The pagan element had to be included by the original poet. Another scholar considers the paganism of the poem:    Both the poet and his audience knew well that sixth-century Scandinavians were heathens. And lest it be thought that Anglo-Saxons tended to forget the heathenism of the Scandinavians as time wore on, we should recall that, in the Chronicle, charters, poems, and saints’ lives, Old English haethen (as well as Latin paganus) was virtually a synonym for Dene (i.e. â€Å"Scandinavian†). Indeed, the association between heathenism and Scandinavians became ever so stronger in Anglo-Saxon England as the centuries passed. The vaguely pious heroes of Beowulf, then, would not have been mistaken for christians by an Anglo-Saxon audience (Robinson 82).    The extent to which the pagan element is present varies in different parts of the poem, but is present throughout from beginning to end. The pagan element is unequally distributed between the speeches and the narrative, favoring the narrative.    Catholic missionaries to Britain in the early ce... Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963.    Bloom, Harold. â€Å"Introduction.† In Modern Critical Interpretations: Beowulf, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.    Chadwick, H. Munro. â€Å"The Heroic Age.† In An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963.    Chickering, Howell D.. Beowulf A dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor Books, 1977.    Frank, Roberta. â€Å"The Beowulf Poet’s Sense of History.† In Beowulf – Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.    Robinson, Fred C. â€Å"Apposed Word Meanings and Religious Perspectives.† In Beowulf – Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Helen Gardner :: Helen Gardner Essays

Helen Gardner In act one scene one we discover that Helen is a very down to earth type of person as she says â€Å"when I find somewhere for us to live I have to consider something far more important than your feelings. . . .The rent†, this shows that she is thinking about the more important things in life, she is also emphasising the letter â€Å"I† which is implying that she is a lot better than her daughter, this also shows that she has a roof over Jo’s head. The beginning of this play shows that Helen enjoys drink, â€Å"pass me a glass Jo† the first thing that she thinks about is alcohol, this shows that if she can afford to buy whisky then she may have been able to find a better place for them to live, although the accommodation isn’t very appropriate it still provides Jo with a roof over her head, we also get the impression that she is an unfit parent as her priorities should be towards her daughter and not towards alcohol. Helen feels that Jo owes her a lot, Jo feels the total opposite, and there is not a close relationship, Helen feels that she deserves respect from Jo, most people may think that as Helen is Jo’s mother then Jo does owe her a lot but most people would think that Helen owes a lot to Jo as she hasn’t really been there for her daughter all these years, but as an adult Helen does deserve respect from her daughter no matter what she has done, because at the end of the day Helen did bring Jo into the world and has brought her up to be what she is now. As we can see in act one Jo shares a bed with Helen this is a redeeming quality because if Helen despised Jo that much she wouldn’t be willing to do this, because at the end of the day the both need somewhere to sleep. Helen has a very negative view on life as she says, â€Å"that’s where we all end up sooner or later†, this was related to Jo trying to decide where to put her bulbs, she felt that the best place to put them was in a cold dark place, the cold dark place meaning to Helen a grave, this is yet another reference of death which Helen seems to use. I think that by being a prostitute and sleeping around is a way for Helen to find someone to love her, she craves it. Helen seems to be addicted to men, She gives Jo a distorted view on

Car pooling scheme is effective argue against this statement Essay

Vehicle pooling plan is compelling contend against this announcement - Essay Example While there appear to be numerous focal points to it...